Tuesday 8 January 2013

Voluptasse So Far...

So, what’s it REALLY like to run an online Sex Business in the 21st Century. Here are my secrets...

Well I promised a blow-by-blow account of running Voluptasse and so far I probably haven’t delivered what I promised. I have gossiped about everything else from the pelvic floor to the Karezza technique. I have talked far too much about my Sex life and chatted endlessly about the perks of using Sex Toys but what do you really know about Voluptasse?

Well Voluptasse was founded by me, Melissa MacFarlane, inJune 2011. At the time I was a single Mum of 4 young children and had been made redundant from the same company for a second time. It’s something that I had been interested in starting for a while but had been too frightened of giving up my job. After gaining some experience with a rival company (naughty, I know) I discovered that there were gaps in the service they were providing and set out to do something a little different. I wanted parties where men were welcome and I wanted to reach out to the gay market more (which is proving quite tough!). I also wanted to provide themed parties for my customers so that every party was different. These themes change all the time depending on what's fashionable at the moment.
However,I had no experience with computers other than Microsoft Word and my background was Law (that explains the wordy sentences and rambling!). It was a Challenge, but I do relish a good challenge. I still work full time in addition to running the company but I do hope Voluptasse will take off enough so I can work from home and be with the kids too. That’s the plan…

Setting the Company up was never difficult and the launch was amazing. I bought the stock and along with a friend of mine who owns a local Gym we organised a Lingerie Charity Fashion Show on Halloween. Because it was for Charity it never cost a penny. All raffle prizes, props, services from the dancers, make up artists and models were donated to the cause and it gained Voluptasse so much Press attention that it was an amazing start. We raised £700 for our local Hospice so it was a hugely successful event and Voluptasse was officially launched to the public.

I am a strong advocate of charitable giving and Voluptasse regularly finds ways to give to charity. During Christmas of 2012 I organised a collection of gifts for our local women’s refuge. I am also planning something for the refuge this Valentine’s, Easter and again at Christmas. It’s importantto give back to the community, I count my blessings everyday.

My second big break came with Lord Sugar himself, after sending him a Tweet asking him to help promote my business I received a phone call from a lady from the Huffington Post. Lord Sugar had retweeted Voluptasse to over 1,000,000 followers. I hadn’t anticipated an actual answer and sadly the attention crashed the Voluptasse website and a lot of people couldn’t get on! Rookie mistake! My web hosting service was completely inadequate and I rapidly moved to a much better provider. I did receive some national press attention so all was not lost, I also gained my first experience of Internet Trolls. I have no idea why they write the things that they do? I was also nominated for a Mumpreneur award and featured in the Mumpreneur Magazine. Its been a great year! 

Since my infamous retweet, the company has had its ups and downs. I have busy periods and very quiet periods but my main problem is advertising Voluptasse. My friends have been a great help by reposting, retweeting and have even given me their Facebook passwords so i can update their accounts. In fact, even my ex husband has given me his password! I have tried competitions, regular facebook page updates, tweeting till I can’t move my fingers, leaflets, magazine coverage, constantly updating my range to fit current trends and blogging, writing Erotica, book clubs and reviewing for myself and other companies too and I’m still battling hard against the larger companies. It’s a tough old world out there! I’m not complaining though, I truly love every minute of it!

There are a lot of negative attitudes towards Sex Toy Companies out there. I’ve had charitable donations rejected (vouchers) and been turned away from local markets who fear I may started running wild, brandishing Rampant Rabbits and scaring the young children with my products (I would have only displayed the classy lingerie, I’m not an idiot). There are also people who will book you for a party with no intention of buying, but to steal idea’s and report back to rivals or simply just to entertain their friends. I've had letters threatening to sue me over my usage of the term 'Fifty Shades', its been anything but boring!
I’ve had it all, but that’s life. It’s the reality of running a company; it doesn’t ruin my enjoyment but gives me so much more satisfaction when things do go the way I planned them to.

We ( I don’t know why I say ‘we’ it is just me…) started our Voluptasse Forum which I am currently working on improving by building up more usage. It’s a place where my customers (and potential customers) can chat and ask questions and just have a friendly place to go and meet like-minded individuals. The Forum has been running for a few months and has over 600 members but not regular updaters though which is something that I need to work on. I have come a long way though, I now know what an Avatar is and I can add a banner onto my Blog so every day I continue to learn.

Despite the difficulties, I do love my job. I love the thrill of the chase and the feeling I get from reading another email thanking me for the service that I’ve provided, or a happy customer who is pleased with their item. I also sell on Ebay too and Amazon but tend toget thrown off a lot because they object to the products that I sell.
I get a ‘buzz’(sorry) from helping ladies find the right vibrator for them and I am an endless fountain of useful (or useless) vibrator trivia. I am lucky that I am doing something that I love and I have met so many great friends along the way both in person and online. I have been helped endlessly by my Twitter friends, from constructive criticism to a listening ear when ive had a tough day. It’s a lovely community and i love being a part of it. My husband has been invaluable, without his help everything would have been doubly as hard. He is an amazing man, but don't tell him I said that!

So what’s in store for Voluptasse in 2013?

I will continueto hunt for a marketing strategy that works and look at new ways to improve Voluptasse. Voluptasse will become increasingly successful and I will seek to gain more home parties, at least two a week. I need to be realistic with my goals, I have my five year plan and everything is going according to that plan  (give or take a year) but I will not set myself up for a fall by trying to hit impossible goals. Tenacity is the key.

I will increase my usage of the Forum and look to increase my following on all social networking sites. I will blog more regularly, review products more regularly and read more Erotica. I want one of my short stories published and I am in the throes of organising a weapons amnesty in my local area in memory of my Brother who was sadly killed in 2002 at the hands of another person, hence the amnesty. In my quest to Blog more regularly I will be keeping you fully updated on my progress.
Watch this Space,Voluptasse is heading your way!!!

So here is Voluptasse’s last 12 months in pictures. Keep up with our progress and thanks for helping me try to grow my small company into a successful venture. If you have something that you want to add to Voluptasse,or something that you’d like to see please contact me and let me know! Without my Customers Voluptasse would still be an idea and not my reality.
Getting ready for a vintage-style photoshoot with the MUA Jenna Hacking
Beautiful Danielle wearing one of vintage corselettes that we used to sell.
The Lick from Rocks Off, my first review and my favourite product EVER!
Reading Fifty Shades of Grey... Ooops I said it! Please do not sue!
Getting Married in Jamaica, I even took Voluptasse with me!
Celebrating being fabulous Brits at one of my Queen's Jubilee Themed Parties.
My First Filthy Shades of Play Themed party, I had Braxton Hicks all the way through this party and was convinced I was going into labour. None of the guests realised, what a trooper! I had my little girl 4 days later.
Using my time at home to review more for other companies as well as Voluptasse, it helps me to learn more about different products and connect with other companies. I've made some great friends.
Tried my hand at my own Christmas cards, how pretty is this!
One of my Surprise Christmas Stockings, they sold so well this year. I was really pleased with it.
Here I am wrapping up the gifts we collected for the children and Ladies at the Refuge. We got loads, you couldn't see my Living Room floor at one point. It was an amazing response!

My last party of the year, a Christmas themed party. The Ladies had such a great time that they wanted to book another on the same night, it was so much fun.
And Finally... 2013, This will be the year of Voluptasse. I can feel it!
P.S. I cant believe how much I overuse exclamation marks, I can only apologise but I do exclaim a lot in person, very excitable! ha x


  1. Brilliant blog, brilliant woman. I wish you every success and I know, like me, you work too hard not to see rewards at some point! Emma x

    1. Thank you, 2013 is our year! Good luck with the shop xx
