Tuesday 15 January 2013

Celebrating Rocks Off Week...

Its Rocks Off week here at Voluptasse and we are happily celebrating everything Rocks Off. For those of you who havent heard of them they are a multi award winning company who have an enviable reputation for creating innovative, affordable and completely body safe sex toys.

At Voluptasse our best selling products are easily the Rocks Off products, in particular the female toys although they have a huge range of male sex toys too (take a look!), so this week we are giving you the opportunity to win one of your own!

Lets play spot the Lick…

Read our Lick review and take a close look at the picture I have posted, now you know what it looks like take a look at this picture.
(My very messy wardrobe)

Once you have spotted the Lick, comment under this blog post telling me that you have spotted it and where. Its that simple!

The winner will be announced on Sunday20th January 2013


  1. That is a really neat idea, a new spin on the giveaways!!

  2. i see it its on top of the coat hangers in the middle of the pic

  3. I see it too, amongst the hangers, loved the review too, fancy a go of this myself! xXx Mistress_Velvet

  4. I see it!! It's in the middle near the hangers!! What an awesome idea, so fun!!

  5. Yeah its inbetween the top of the coat hangers by a purple piece of clothing and a grey one. Awesome blog btw :)

  6. In between hangers it was first thing I saw when I opened it ;)

  7. Thanks for entering everyone, the winner will be drawn on Sunday x

  8. hmmmy, congratulations you have won a Rocks Off Lick. Please inbox me at Voluptasse@virginmedia.com with your address and i'll post it out!
