Thursday 9 May 2013

Recession Proof Your Sex Life by Making Your Own Sex Toys

Make Your Own Sex Toys
Matt Pagett

When I spotted this little Gem in the Lake District a few months ago I snapped it up in seconds! Despite owning a Sex Toy business I do struggle to buy new sex toys, especially when annoying expenses like bills and food constantly get in the way.

However, I have never been very good at annything remotely crafty and my motor skills are terrible. How will this book fare with a novice like me?

Therefore I am setting myself a challenge, to recession-proof not only my own Sex Life but the Sex Life of the whole entire nation by using this book to create some home made Sex Toys and showing you Step - By - Step how to do it too. If you have any home made creations of your own please share them and i'll attempt to make them too.
I will also rate each home made toy so you know whether it is something that you would like to try and make too.
However, please note that I will take no responsibility for any injuries caused by any home made toys. Also, I would be a rubbish person to sue as clearly I have no money...
So Lets Get Started.
As a treat for the other half I decided to start with a toy for him, our Wedding Anniversary is coming up and there isnt much money for gifts so I decided to make him 'The Bubble Wrap Blow' which is a masturbation sleeve.
According to the book it takes approximately 3 minutes to create and skill level is Intermediate.

I needed – Bubble Wrap, Towel, Sellotape and Lube, easy peasy!

Stage One
I cut the bubble wrap to the required girth (i guessed this using a vibrator as it was a surprise) with the bubbles facing inside.
I used the sellotape to stick it down too, although this isn't in the instructions, it just looked nicer.

The finished article.

Stage Two

Cut the towel or a piece of material and wrap it around the outside of your bubble sleeve, to help with grip.


Stage Three

Now that your sleeve is ready to use, fill it with your favourite Lubricant, I’ve used Give Lube Premium Aqua Gel here.

The bubbles in the bubble wrap add extra stimulation and a cost effective twist to your masturbation regime.

The Verdict

It took me longer that 3 minutes simply because I am all fingers and thumbs but I was pleased with how it looked at the end. 
Excitedly, I presented the other half with his home made masturbation sleeve and to my astonishment, was met with a look of absolute horror. He flatly refused to use it and claimed that it was an awful contraption.
Also, because i'd stuck the sleeve with sellotape he pointed out that it was now far too small and I would have been better leaving it open as instructed. Good Point, I suppose.... next time I will remember not to deviate from the instructions.
He is now sat in the other room watching Snooker and playing with the sleeve by popping the bubbles. In short, the 'Bubble Wrap Blow' was a passion killer.

So, not brilliant for my husband but I do think that the concept works quite well. If someone gives it a try let me know!


  1. I love this idea ..! I may well have a go myself and see what I can do. Like you I am not very creative or a dab hand at making things but its a bit of a giggle ..!

  2. i saw very very cheap sex toys in the website:
    you have to check it! :)
