Monday 8 July 2013

Embarrassing Story of the Week!

My friend set me up on a blind date friend of his. I was supposed to meet my date at 8pm but got there early because I was nervous and wanted a few drinks to chill myself out.

Anyway, I ended up having a few too many and by the time he got there I was feeling quite tipsy.

I carried on drinking with him until I started feeling sick so I went to the toilet and threw up, felt fine so carried on drinking.  After a while, we were having a great time but I started to feel really pissed and sick again so i went to the toilet to throw up again. However, this time I was sick and started to have diarrhea! So i was throwing up one minute then turning round and shitting at the same time but it was going everywhere and diarrhea was spraying all over the toilet seat!

This lad came into the toilet and called my name which made me think he was going to come into the cubicle so I sat down (in all my shit!) I assured him I was ok but having just done that I stood up and threw up again, this made him push open the door to check on me, so I had my back to him with shit all over my arse and it was rolling down my legs like gravy browning!

Then I turn round to look at him with sick all round my mouth rolling down my top! Not only was he staring right at me but 3 or 4 girls using the toilets all stopped and stared at me in this sorry state. I was so upset I just pulled my pants up without wiping and walked through the Bar with my head held high stinking of sick and shit and cried all the way home!!!!

The bastard never rang me!!!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's quite a story! What an experience, I would be utterly traumatised.
