Monday 10 December 2012

Review of the Ann Summers Candy Floss O-Gel

As a former employee of Ann Summers I have always been a huge fan of the Ann Summers Pleasure Gel. However, over the last 12 months there has been a lot of talk about the CandyFloss Screaming O-Gel. One girl I spoke to even confessed to buying tubs of the Candy Floss O-Gel to eat whilst she watches television (true story!) so I went to my local store in Blackburn and decided to treat myself to a tub and review it. For scientific purposes, obviously....

The tub costs £6.00 for 75ml which I found to be very reasonable and comes in a very pretty pink squeezy tub. As usual, the Staff in our Blackburn branch were helpful and friendly and the carrier bags they use are very thick so your purchases can not be seen by other shoppers.

Having looked on the Ann Summers Website I also notice that there are also several other flavours of the O-Gel available such as Chocolate Orange, Raspberry Ripple and Cherry Pie. All sounding equally as lovely!The Chocolate Orange Gel even has two pounds off at the moment so you can grab yourself a Christmas bargain.

Looking at the ingredients of the Candy Floss O-Gel I notice that it does contain Glycerin so it isnt recommended for use on women who are prone to yeast infections but it can still be used on a partner and enjoyed so I wasn't put off by this. The instuctions on the back also remind buyers that this is to be used solely for foreplay and is not for lubrication purposes.

The tub itself is easy to open and is sealed underneath the lid so it cannot be tampered with. Once opened I was hit by a very strong smell of candy floss and it smelled quite lovely! I applied lashings of the O-Gel and found that it tasted very, very sweet. It didnt have a nasty synthetic taste like a lot of flavoured Gels but I didn't enjoy it at all.

I did soon realise however that I had used far too much in my excitement and it does only need a very small amount of the Gel. When we tried the second time around it was a much more pleasent experience and I enjoyed usuing it.

Because it contains Glycerin, my partner could not use it on me but he liked the warming sensations that it created on himself and obviously liked the encouragement of more oral foreplay from me!
It is a very thick gel and the smell does linger for quite some time afterwards so a shower will be be required.

To sum up my review, I do really like this Gel, its very sweet so only requires a tiny amount when using and will therefore last for a while. Because it is used sparingly, there wasnt a huge amount of mess to clean up either. It has a lovely smell and flavour and is packaged nicely. It is small enough to be stored away from prying eyes and I liked the pink packaging because its girly, like me!

Its easy to obtain any of the O-Gel range if you dont have an Ann Summers store in your town because it is sold both Online and through the Ann Summers Home Party Network. The parties also offer commission for Hostesses so perhaps treat your friends to a get together and you may even get it for free if they buy enough to cover the cost!

I am hoping that Santa brings me the other 3 flavours in my stocking this year.... Watch this Space!

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